Recently on my personal blog I talked about the importance of presenting papers at academic conferences. And this morning a reminder came into my inbox about the near deadline to submit papers to the Society of Vineyard Scholars. Much as I'd love to participate, I have prior commitments this year. But that should not stop you from considering it. The call is open to all who believe in the mission of the society.
Within the current call for papers, I super interested in the topic 'Doctrine of Justification' as this doctrine has been subject of a lot of conversations I've been part of around the Vineyard in Canada in the last couple of years. There seems to be a growing concern that while substitutionary atonement is an important understanding of Jesus' death and resurrection, it is not the only one and that we might have lost some of the richness of resurrection theology by focusing on just one aspect of God's work through Christ. Last year folks had posted articles from the conference, I'll be sure to put a link up here for all that come up from this years meeting.
One last note, if you are from the Ontario region and plan on attending (alas I cannot this year) then please consider writing a review for this blog.
Frank Emanuel (Freedom Vineyard, Ottawa)